Salary Adjustment Policy Overview for Faculty

Annual review

In accordance with the Faculty Handbook,, faculty members are reviewed annually by the department chair on the basis of their position responsibility statement (PRS).

  • This review serves as a basis for determining performance-based, merit adjustments.
  • This review is required even when there is limited or no funding for a performance-based, merit adjustment.
  • All reviews should be in writing and the review should be evaluative, not just descriptive.
  • The purpose of the written performance review is:
    • Recognition of performance
    • Acknowledgement of accomplishments beyond the PRS
    • Identification of deficiencies or area needing improvement
    • Suggestions for improvement/professional development
    • Appraisal of progress toward tenure and promotion
  • The written performance review should:
    • Include meaningful and constructive comments
    • Note strengths and document weaknesses
    • Be accurate and factual
    • Review and possibly reference previous year's evaluation and reports
    • Reference measurable indicators when possible

Performance-based, merit adjustment

The resulting performance-based, merit adjustment (per Faculty Handbook 4.1.1) should conform to the Salary Adjustment Policy. The policy states that for minimum satisfactory performance a minimum adjustment is required (a percentage as promulgated by the annual budget development parameters).

Post tenure review

In accordance with the Faculty Handbook 5.3.4, a post tenure review should be done periodically, at least once every seven years, for faculty on full-time or part-time appointment.

  • The review should address the quality of the faculty member's performance in the areas of teaching, research/creative activities, extension/professional practice, and institutional service, consistent with the faculty member's position responsibility statement.
  • Ideally, the review shall result in recommendations for enhancing performance and provide a plan for future development.


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