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University Awards FAQ
Yes. A candidate can be nominated for, and receive multiple awards in the same year.
Yes, and vice versa. Any faculty holding one of these titles is eligible for nomination in another category.
Eligibility is determined at the time of the nomination. The deadline is determined by each college.
No. An individual may not receive the same award more than once, but may be nominated multiple times for different awards.
Yes. An individual can be nominated for both a college-level and a university-level award in the same year, although some colleges may prefer to see a nomination for a college-level award prior to a university-level nomination. Read the award criteria carefully, as there may be different criteria for similar awards.
Check the individual award page for details. Some award nominations must be submitted to a college, while others can be submitted by an individual. All award nominations require a cover sheet. Find those on the individual award pages.
Award recipients and their nominator, department chair, dean, or supervisor are notified by May 1.
Colleges receive feedback on unsuccessful nominations by July 1. Nominators of unsuccessful candidates for Distinguished, Morrill, and University Professors will receive more detailed feedback by the end of June.
The deadline for university award nominations to reach the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost is February 10 (or the next business day). College deadlines for nominations are earlier, and range from November to January with many departments having even earlier deadlines than their colleges.
The first step would be to send an email of inquiry to Associate Provost for Faculty, Dawn Bratsch-Prince, deprince@iastate.edu. The process for initiating a new award will depend on the recognition and level of the proposal. Some awards are developed with input and approval from various stakeholders that may include the President, Senior Vice President and Provost, Faculty Senate, or P&S Council which requires time to navigate the process.
Review committees are often comprised of previous recipients of the award, with members representing groups from across campus. Select awards may have a service term commitment and are organized through the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost.
External Awards FAQ
Convey your interest to your department awards committee or chair. It is helpful for the nominee to be involved in the nomination process as nobody knows the impacts of your work better than you. Opportunities for some honorific awards are coordinated centrally as well as from departments.
Nominations are a highly decentralized process as they can be originated from several different sources such as a department/school/college awards committee, a colleague at Iowa State University or another institution or from a central point of contact such as the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost.
Yes, we want to celebrate your success! Please send an email to your department chair and copy your college communicator and the Faculty Recognition Director, Kirsten Abel, kabel@iastate.edu.
Contact the Faculty Recognition Director, Kirsten Abel, kabel@iastate.edu or your department/school or college awards committee. Guidelines for nominations vary widely depending on the body administering the award.
Many professional societies and organizations will detail their eligibility requirements for an honorific award publically. Eligibility requirements may include time in profession, membership, age, or position. Contact the Faculty Recognition Director, Kirsten Abel (kabel@iastate.edu) for assistance in interpreting eligibility requirements.
The Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost can assist your awards committee in various ways. These include providing suggested matches for faculty members and honorific awards, presenting data on opportunities and deadlines, and assistance assembling nominations.
For questions or more information, contact:
- Kirsten Abel, (515) 294-1498, kabel@iastate.edu