Student Engagement Task Force: Spring 2022

Over the past few semesters, there have been many conversations in the hallways or teaching meetings, or leaning on a colleague's door frame, talking about the change we have observed in students since returning to campus after Spring of 2020.

Faculty, staff, and student leaders have expressed frustration and concern about decreased class attendance, an increase in the number of mid-term grades assigned, and lower overall performance in the classroom mirrored in a lack of involvement in student organizations and other extracurricular activities. This campus phenomenon is not unique to Iowa State and similar experiences have been reported at other universities throughout the country.

During spring semester 2022 a 14-member task force was formed to explore actions the campus community could take to address a lack of student engagement. The task force was comprised of the Faculty Senate's Student Affairs Committee, graduate and undergraduate students, and additional staff and faculty. The task force focused their work on four areas and developed recommendations accordingly. The areas included: 

  1. Classroom engagement/performance
  2. Student organizations
  3. Mental health and well-being
  4. Retention

The task force met to discuss, develop, and rank (within each focus area) twenty-three recommendations which are outlined in the task force’s final report